The Role of Emotional Labor in Facility Management Mustafa Koray Erentürk 1Assist. Prof., İstanbul Aydın University, Department of Management Information Systems, İstanbul, Turkiye ABSTRACT Facility management, one of the sub-branches of management science, is a relatively new concept in our country. In a broad sense, facility management is a field of study that aims to ensure and maintain the ideal safety, efficiency, comfort and, proper use of buildings in human and social life. At the center of facility management is the service orientation of buildings of all types and characteristics, both technically and theoretically. Facility management offers a complex set of services at every stage, from project to implementation, from control and improvement to operation. In order for facility management to achieve its objectives and deliver the expected value, the service dimension involves human elements on both the supply and demand sides. Therefore, the emotional labor phenomenon, which has a close relationship with many variables in the quality of the services provided, is of particular importance. This research aims to examine emotional labor, which consists of three dimensions: surface acting, deep acting, natural behavior and also demographic factors in terms of facility management. The research was carried out with 427 participants working in companies operating in Istanbul between October-November 2022. As a result of the research, it was seen that emotional labor is an effective factor in facility management services and that demographic characteristics differ among themselves in emotional labor sub-dimensions. Accordingly, it has been revealed that companies providing facility management services and managers in this field should act by recognizing the impact and importance of emotional labor and its sub-dimensions. The findings obtained are a reference for future studies in the field of facility management to test the relationship between emotional labor and other variables. Keywords: Facility Management, Emotional Labor, Business, Management. JEL Code: M00, M1, M10 Introduction The primary purpose of facility management, which focuses on facility and human interaction, is to develop facilitating, value-adding and sustainable solutions and strategies at every stage from architecture to engineering, ergonomics to ecology, transportation to mobility, valuation to real estate management at every point where people are present and benefit, from residences to factories, from official institution buildings to public residential areas. In this respect, in terms of the dimensions it addresses and covers, the services offered within the scope of facility management are of particular importance in terms of providing employment and creating new business areas, creating human, economic and social value, developing urban and urban consciousness and being part of the development process. Facility management is a solution tool that has long been utilized, known and applied to create value in developed countries, but it is a relatively new field of practice and study in Türkiye. Facility management is an interdisciplinary approach that seeks to solve problems, meet expectations, identify synergies and develop solutions in the context of increasingly diverse building systems, greater user participation and diversity, the requirements expected from buildings as living spaces, and the complexity of operational processes. Facility Management Facilities Management (FM) has been developing since the 1970s as a branch of service aimed at facilitating and providing comfort in the relationship between buildings and people (Regterschot, 1990: 151), but in recent years it has become one of the topics that have attracted attention both in practice and in the literature. Corresponding Author: Mustafa Koray Erentürk E-mail: Submitted: 11.04.2023 • Revision Requested: 15.05.2023 •Last Revision Received: 30.05.2023 • Accepted: 08.06.2023 This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC 4.0) 37 Istanbul Management Journal Facility management is not a one-dimensional and ordinary business model such as maintenance and repair of buildings. On the contrary, facility management is a branch of service that covers all public and civilian buildings, facilities and areas where people spend their business and private time, receive services, use for entertainment and recreation and travel (Kwok and Warren, 2005: 2; Then, 2004: 4; Alexander, 1994: 8-9). Facility management can be defined as "the activity of harmonizing the physical workplace with people and work through the integration of principles related to business, architecture, behavior and engineering sciences" (Amaratunga and Baldry, 2004: 324-326). Thompson (1990) argued that facility management is not a one-dimensional process such as construction, real estate, building operations, maintenance, repair, housekeeping, etc., and that facility management is a comprehensive management discipline that includes facilitating people’s daily life and business life with the services provided to buildings, providing quality of life and sustainability (Thompson, 1990: 9-10). Facility management offers a wide range of integrated services such as facilitation, comfort generation, solution development, problem-solving, innovation, planning and design development between space and people wherever there are buildings and campuses, from residences to offices, from factory buildings to storage areas, from health to education, from tourism to art (Araszkiewicz, 2017: 1034-1035; Roper, 2017: 236; Cotts, Poper and Payant, 2010: 175). The mediating role of facility management between physical spaces, people and society is illustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1. Facility Management’s Harmonizing Role Based on Figure 1, it can be stated that facility management is a management function that focuses on how to develop, maintain and improve the physical assets needed to support and add value to the work and life processes of people and organizations, as well as creating and maintaining the structures that provide the most appropriate support for them (Drion, Melissen and Wood, 2012: 255). The European Facility Management Network (EuroFM) has recognized facility management as a management approach in 6 dimensions (Table 1). According to the approach of the Facility Management Association (TRFMA), which operates in Türkiye, Facility Management is defined as "a new concept, a new profession that combines people, space, technology and processes and requires expertise and experience covering multiple disciplines in order to sustain and develop all buildings, business centers, plazas, sites, residences, shopping malls, factories, hospitals, airports, hotels, schools, etc. where people live or work" (TRFMA, 2019). Facility management represents a much broader range of activities rather than narrowly focused building services. As a matter of fact, the most important contribution of facility management practices to real estate is that they add tangible and intangible value to people’s living spaces in residences and workplaces. Especially in modern offices and their buildings, residences and residential complexes, facility management practices can offer people unique experiences such as comfort, quality, peace of mind, etc. in their business and private lives. Emotional Labor Emotions also significantly affect the value or labor that a person adds to abstract or concrete work. The factors that a person feels, encounters or perceives internally or externally in the labor process can affect his/her performance and productivity. Therefore, emotions and labor factors are closely related (Uysal & Mammadov, 2020: 34; Çoban & Seymen, 2019: 9). Hochschild (1983: 38 Erenturk, The Role of Emotional Labor in Facility Management Table 1. Demographic Findings 3 Facility management offers a wide range of integrated services such as facilitation, comfort generation, solution development, problem-solving, innovation, planning and design development between space and people wherever there are buildings and campuses, from residences to offices, from factory buildings to storage areas, from health to education, from tourism to art (Araszkiewicz, 2017: 1034-1035; Roper, 2017: 236; Cotts, Poper and Payant, 2010: 175). The mediating role of facility management between physical spaces, people and society is illustrated in Figure 1. Figure 1. Facility Management's Harmonizing Role Table 1. European Facility Management Network (EuroFM) Facility Management Understanding work organization Managing people Managing Buildings Understanding the structure and behavior of organizations Understanding business and organizational strategy Development of FM Strategy People Management Communication Working with Suppliers and Experts Property Portfolio Management Understanding Building Design Building Fabric/Structure Maintenance Managing services Managing the work environment Managing resources Managing building services Managing support services Project Management Managing Customer Service Environmental Issues Space Management Procurement Risk Management Financial Management Quality Management Information Management Resource: (EuroFM, 2011). According to the approach of the Facility Management Association (TRFMA), which operates in Türkiye, Facility Management is defined as "a new concept, a new profession that combines people, space, technology and processes and requires expertise FACILITY MANAGEMENT Energy savings, labor efficiency Carbon Emission Regulation and Sustainability Real Estate Appraisal and Development Ensuring Operational Efficiency Providing Production Facilitating Solutions Introducing Technological Facilitators Providing Assurance and Reliability Creating Humane Spaces 325-327), one of the pioneering researchers who revealed the importance of the relationship between labor and emotions, argued that there are some common expectations regarding the emotional reactions that service providers should show in accordance with the service they provide. In addition, Hochschild (1983) defined emotional labor as the work done by face-to-face service providers to manage their own emotions in order to fulfill the emotional roles determined by the organization. Ashforth and Humphrey (1993: 90) have discussed emotional labor from a broad perspective and explained emotional labor as the right behaviors appropriate to the right situation exhibited by employees according to the needs of the organization. While Hochschild focuses on the emotions underlying the behavior, Ashforth and Humphrey focus on the behavior itself. Morris and Feldman (1996: 988) define emotional labor as the reflection of the emotions desired by the organization on customer service processes. Grandey (2000: 8) defines emotional labor as the regulation of both emotions and behaviors in a way to serve the goals of the organization by emphasizing the rules of displaying emotions. Diefendorff and Gosserand (2003: 945) accepted emotional labor as the process of psychological behavior that the employee performs by combining his/her emotional expressions and organizational needs. In a broad sense, emotional labor is the expression of employees’ emotions according to the requirements of working conditions and organizational goals, and showing these emotions to them with the help of gestures, mimics and body language in a way that can be observed by the interlocutors. The purpose of emotional labor is to make customers/service recipients feel good or bad (Güler & Marşap, 2019: 64; Güngör Delen, 2017: 44). Emotional labor is examined in four dimensions: surface acting, deep acting, natural behavior and display rules. Surface acting is behaviors that are expected from the employee by the company but not internalized by the employee. Surface acting is not that the emotion is not revealed, but that the emotion revealed and reflected to the customer is not felt sincerely (Çoban & Seymen, 2019: 8). In such behaviors, the employee reflects the emotions required by the profession to the customer by changing or suppressing his/her real emotions within the framework of the emotional rules required by the profession (Basım & Begenirbaş, 2012, 79). Deep acting requires displaying the behavior by feeling and adopting it. In deep acting, the employee can motivate himself/herself by thinking positively and remembering good memories (Pala & Sürgevil, 2016: 775). Deep acting is the adaptation of employees’ inner emotions to the emotions they need to exhibit (Eroğlu, 2014: 149). While the employee acts like an actor on the stage while conveying his/her emotions as in surface acting, in surface acting, the employee fulfills only the requirements of the role without feeling the need for the role, while in deep behavior, he/she acts like an actor or actress (Kaya & Serçeoğlu, 2013: 316). Therefore, unlike surface acting, the employee who exhibits deep acting changes his/her inner feelings as well as his/her external appearance. Natural behavior is the type of behavior that is performed sincerely and expected by the business. In natural behavior, the employee performs the behavior expected from him/her in any situation and comes from within himself/herself (Çoban & Seymen, 2019: 13). Display rules, on the other hand, refer to the standards created by businesses to display the appropriate emotional state; it is related to the display of emotion that the staff reflects rather than what they feel. These rules explain how to apply emotions (Güler & Marşap, 2019: 64). Emotional labor behavior can lead to negative consequences such as exhaustion, stress and resignation (Arı & Bal, 2008:132; Chu & Murrmann, 2006:1182). In particular, it is stated that the dimensions of natural and deep acting exhibited by employees have consequences such as alienation from work, distancing and, intention to leave (Eren & Yılmaz, 2020: 221; Türkay, Ünal, Taşar, 2011: 203). In order for emotional labor to yield desired results and to reduce its negative effects on employees, emotional 39 Istanbul Management Journal labor should be managed effectively (Humphrey, Pollack, & Hawver, 2008: 153). In the service sector, where emotional labor is performed the most, the behaviors, attitudes and emotional displays performed by the employee who interacts face-to-face with customers or service recipients are perceived as representing the organization. This creates a relationship between the emotional labor of the employee and his/her task performance (Misican & Türkoğlu, 2019: 30-31; Çoban & Seymen, 2019: 9-10). Witt, Andrews and Carlson (2004) stated in their study that there is a close relationship between the emotional attitude of the employee and general job performance and that this relationship also affects organizational performance in the service sector. As a result of research on occupational groups that require emotional labor, three prominent characteristics of these occupational groups have been identified. The first of these is that employees who exhibit emotional labor communicate face-to-face with customers. Secondly, employees in these occupational groups have to influence the emotions of the other party. The last common feature is that employers have control over the emotional activities of employees (Polatcı & Özyer, 2015: 134). Methodology Aim Facility management is one of the sub-business lines of the service sector (Araszkiewicz, 2017: 1034-1035). In the service sector, speech and body language displays, general attitudes, etc. are considered among the elements that represent the organization in the perceptual context for service recipients (Şahin & Şen, 2017: 1177-1178; İzci, 2013). When facility management is also service-oriented, the emotional labor factor, which has an impact on the attitudes and behaviors of employees, is important. In this context, the study aims to reveal the perception of emotional labor, which is closely related to many variables in the facility management process. In the study, the relationship between the emotional labor behaviors of the participants and the variables of age, gender, marital status, income status, educational status, and professional experience was examined. Hence, it is aimed to reveal the nature and importance of emotional labor for future researchers who will study the facility management literature. The research was prepared in the survey model. Survey models are models that allow us to examine the events and phenomena that are the subject of the research as they exist. The relational survey model is used to determine the change and level of the relationship between the variables determined by the researcher (Şimşek, 2012: 92; Büyüköztürk et al. 2020: 24). Convenience sampling was used to measure the emotional labor behaviors of 427 participants working in facility management services. Analyses of the findings were conducted using SPSS Version 26 package program at a 95% confidence level by assuming 𝛼=0.05. Since the data were not normally distributed (p=0.0001<0.05), nonparametric tests were used. The Mann-Whitney U test was used to investigate the statistical differences in the mean scores of paired groups, and the Kruskal-Wallis test was used for more than two groups. Population and Sample The study was conducted with 427 participants working in companies operating in Istanbul and providing facility management services. Convenience sampling was used and this method was preferred due to its time and application advantage. In addition, with the convenience sampling method, the cluster that is thought to represent the universe can be easily reached (Haşıloğlu, Baran, & Aydın, 2015; Gürbüz & Şahin, 2017: 135). Demographic findings regarding the sample are presented in Table 2. As can be seen in Table 2, 56.9% of the participants were male and 43.1% were female, and more than half of these participants were between the ages of 18-25, while participants aged 55 and over constituted the smallest group with a rate of 1.4%. Only 31.6% of the respondents, who are predominantly young, are married. The highest proportion of the participants stated that they received a salary in the range of 5 thousand-7 thousand TL, the second highest group was the other participants with a salary in the range of 7 thousand-9 thousand TL, and the third group was the group that earned the highest income with a salary of 13 thousand TL and above with 19.2%. While 52.2% of the participants were undergraduates, 6.3% were postgraduate, and 30.2% did not continue their education after high school. Almost 70% of the participants are within the first 5 years of their professional life. The second group is those who have been working for 6-10 years with 10.1% and then those who have been working for 11-15 years with 8.7%. The proportion of those working for more than 20 years is higher than those working for 16-20 years, but this rate is 7.5% of the respondents. Reliability Analysis In the study, the "Emotional Labor Scale" developed by Diefendorff, Croyle and Grosserand (2005) and adapted into Turkish by Basım and Beğenirbaş (2012) was used as 12 Items to measure emotional labor. As a result of their analyses, Basım and Beğenirbaş (2012) showed that the scale revealed a three-factor structure consisting of superficial role-playing, deep role-playing and natural 40 Erenturk, The Role of Emotional Labor in Facility Management Table 2. European Facility Management Network (EuroFM) Facility Management 6 Gender Distribution n % Male 243 56,9 Female 184 43,1 Total 427 100,0 Age Distribution n % 18-25 246 57,6 25-35 82 19,2 35-45 74 17,3 45-55 19 4,4 55 and over 6 1,4 Total 427 100,0 Marital Status Distribution n % Married 135 31,6 Single 292 68,4 Total 427 100,0 Income Status Distribution n % 5.000 TL -7.000 TL 139 32,6 7.000 TL - 9.000 TL 90 21,1 9.000 - 11.000 TL 72 16,9 11.000 TL - 13.000 TL 42 9,8 13.000 TL and over 82 19,2 Missing data 2 99,5 Total 425 0,5 Total 427 100,0 Education Status Distribution n % High School 129 30,2 Associate degree 48 11,2 Bachelor's degree 223 52,2 Postgraduate 27 6,3 Total 427 100,0 Professional Experience Distribution n % 1-5 Years 294 68,9 6-10 Years 43 10,1 11-15 Years 37 8,7 16-20 Years 21 4,9 20 Years and more 32 7,5 Total 427 100,0 As can be seen in Table 2, 56.9% of the participants were male and 43.1% were female, and more than half of these participants were between the ages of 18-25, while participants aged 55 and over constituted the smallest group with a rate of 1.4%. Only 31.6% of the respondents, who are predominantly young, are married. The highest proportion of the participants stated that they received a salary in the range of 5 thousand-7 thousand TL, the second highest group was the other participants with a salary in the range of 7 thousand-9 thousand TL, and the third group was the group that earned the highest income with a salary of 13 thousand TL and above with 19.2%. While 52.2% of the participants were undergraduates, 6.3% were postgraduate, and 30.2% did not continue their education after high school. Almost 70% of the participants are within the first 5 years of their professional life. The second group is those who have been working for 6-10 years with 10.1% and then those who have been working for 11-15 years with 8.7%. The proportion of those working for more than 20 years is higher than those working for 16-20 years, but this rate is 7.5% of the respondents. behavior sub-dimensions consistent with the original scale. The Emotional Labor Scale, which has a Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient of 0.80, has been stated as a valid and reliable scale that can be used to measure emotional labor behaviors in business life in Türkiye (Basım & Beğenirbas, 2012). The Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient of this 12-item scale used in the study was found to be 0.778, in line with (Table 3), and the sub-dimensions of the scale (Table 4) are presented below. Table 3. Reliability Analysis 8 Beğenirbas, 2012). The Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient of this 12-item scale used in the study was found to be 0.778, in line with (Table 3), and the sub-dimensions of the scale (Table 4) are presented below. Table 3. Reliability Analysis Cronbach's Alpha N Emotional Labor Scale 0,778 12 Superficial Role Playing 0,873 7 Deep Role Playing 0,852 3 Natural Behavior 0,685 2 Tablo 4. Normality Test Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Emotional Labor 0,124 427 0,000 0,928 427 0,000 Superficial Role Playing 0,28 427 0,000 0,839 427 0,000 Deep Role Playing 0,302 427 0,000 0,799 427 0,000 Natural Behavior 0,155 427 0,000 0,932 427 0,000 Tablo 5. Findings Related to Emotional Labor and Its Dimensions n Min. Max. Ort. SS Emotional Labor Scale 427 1,00 5,00 3,16 0,58277 Superficial Role Playing 427 1,00 5,00 2,75 0,77095 Deep Role Playing 427 1,00 5,00 3,89 0,96131 Natural Behavior 427 1,00 5,00 3,51 1,09087 As can be seen in Table 5, as a result of the analysis, it is understood that employees sometimes tend to use emotional labor. While the mean score of emotional labor of the respondents is 3.16, it is understood that the participants only rarely resort to superficial role-playing and most of the time they exhibit deep role-playing behavior. The mean score of the natural behavior subdimension is 3.51. Descriptive Findings Table 6. Relationship between Gender Factor and Emotional Labor Dimensions Number Average Standard Deviation Mann-Whitney U Tes Emotional Labor Male 243 3,1735 0,64010 p=0,793 Female 184 3,1549 0,49857 Total 427 3,1655 0,58277 Superficial Role Male 243 2,69 0,8773 p=0,0071 Female 184 2,84 0,5929 Total 427 2,75 0,7709 Deep Role Male 243 3,93 1,0226 p=0,022 Female 184 3,84 0,8739 Total 427 3,89 0,9613 As can be seen in Table 5, as a result of the analysis, it is understood that employees sometimes tend to use emotional labor. While the mean score of emotional labor of the respondents is 3.16, it is understood that the participants only rarely resort to superficial role-playing and most of the time they exhibit deep role-playing behavior. The mean score of the natural behavior subdimension is 3.51. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in the comparison of the mean emotional labor scores in terms of the whole scale according to gender (p=0,793>0,05). In the Mann-Whitney U test conducted to investigate the differences in terms of sub-dimensions according to gender variable, it can be said with a 5% margin of error that women resort to superficial role-playing behavior more frequently than men (p=0,0071<0,05). It can be said that men exhibit deep role and natural behaviors 41 Istanbul Management Journal Table 4. Normality Test 8 Beğenirbas, 2012). The Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient of this 12-item scale used in the study was found to be 0.778, in line with (Table 3), and the sub-dimensions of the scale (Table 4) are presented below. Table 3. Reliability Analysis Cronbach's Alpha N Emotional Labor Scale 0,778 12 Superficial Role Playing 0,873 7 Deep Role Playing 0,852 3 Natural Behavior 0,685 2 Tablo 4. Normality Test Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Emotional Labor 0,124 427 0,000 0,928 427 0,000 Superficial Role Playing 0,28 427 0,000 0,839 427 0,000 Deep Role Playing 0,302 427 0,000 0,799 427 0,000 Natural Behavior 0,155 427 0,000 0,932 427 0,000 Tablo 5. Findings Related to Emotional Labor and Its Dimensions n Min. Max. Ort. SS Emotional Labor Scale 427 1,00 5,00 3,16 0,58277 Superficial Role Playing 427 1,00 5,00 2,75 0,77095 Deep Role Playing 427 1,00 5,00 3,89 0,96131 Natural Behavior 427 1,00 5,00 3,51 1,09087 As can be seen in Table 5, as a result of the analysis, it is understood that employees sometimes tend to use emotional labor. While the mean score of emotional labor of the respondents is 3.16, it is understood that the participants only rarely resort to superficial role-playing and most of the time they exhibit deep role-playing behavior. The mean score of the natural behavior subdimension is 3.51. Descriptive Findings Table 6. Relationship between Gender Factor and Emotional Labor Dimensions Number Average Standard Deviation Mann-Whitney U Tes Emotional Labor Male 243 3,1735 0,64010 p=0,793 Female 184 3,1549 0,49857 Total 427 3,1655 0,58277 Superficial Role Male 243 2,69 0,8773 p=0,0071 Female 184 2,84 0,5929 Total 427 2,75 0,7709 Deep Role Male 243 3,93 1,0226 p=0,022 Female 184 3,84 0,8739 Total 427 3,89 0,9613 Natural Behavior Male 243 3,74 1,0615 p=0,0001 Table 5. Findings Related to Emotional Labor and Its Dimensions 8 Beğenirbas, 2012). The Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient of this 12-item scale used in the study was found to be 0.778, in line with (Table 3), and the sub-dimensions of the scale (Table 4) are presented below. Table 3. Reliability Analysis Cronbach's Alpha N Emotional Labor Scale 0,778 12 Superficial Role Playing 0,873 7 Deep Role Playing 0,852 3 Natural Behavior 0,685 2 Tablo 4. Normality Test Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Emotional Labor 0,124 427 0,000 0,928 427 0,000 Superficial Role Playing 0,28 427 0,000 0,839 427 0,000 Deep Role Playing 0,302 427 0,000 0,799 427 0,000 Natural Behavior 0,155 427 0,000 0,932 427 0,000 Tablo 5. Findings Related to Emotional Labor and Its Dimensions n Min. Max. Ort. SS Emotional Labor Scale 427 1,00 5,00 3,16 0,58277 Superficial Role Playing 427 1,00 5,00 2,75 0,77095 Deep Role Playing 427 1,00 5,00 3,89 0,96131 Natural Behavior 427 1,00 5,00 3,51 1,09087 As can be seen in Table 5, as a result of the analysis, it is understood that employees sometimes tend to use emotional labor. While the mean score of emotional labor of the respondents is 3.16, it is understood that the participants only rarely resort to superficial role-playing and most of the time they exhibit deep role-playing behavior. The mean score of the natural behavior subdimension is 3.51. Descriptive Findings Table 6. Relationship between Gender Factor and Emotional Labor Dimensions Number Average Standard Deviation Mann-Whitney U Tes Emotional Labor Male 243 3,1735 0,64010 p=0,793 Female 184 3,1549 0,49857 Total 427 3,1655 0,58277 Superficial Role Male 243 2,69 0,8773 p=0,0071 Female 184 2,84 0,5929 Total 427 2,75 0,7709 Deep Role Male 243 3,93 1,0226 p=0,022 Female 184 3,84 0,8739 Total 427 3,89 0,9613 Natural Behavior Male 243 3,74 1,0615 p=0,0001 Table 6. Relationship between Gender Factor and Emotional Labor Dimensions 8 Beğenirbas, 2012). The Cronbach's Alpha reliability coefficient of this 12-item scale used in the study was found to be 0.778, in line with (Table 3), and the sub-dimensions of the scale (Table 4) are presented below. Table 3. Reliability Analysis Cronbach's Alpha N Emotional Labor Scale 0,778 12 Superficial Role Playing 0,873 7 Deep Role Playing 0,852 3 Natural Behavior 0,685 2 Tablo 4. Normality Test Kolmogorov-Smirnov Shapiro-Wilk Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig. Emotional Labor 0,124 427 0,000 0,928 427 0,000 Superficial Role Playing 0,28 427 0,000 0,839 427 0,000 Deep Role Playing 0,302 427 0,000 0,799 427 0,000 Natural Behavior 0,155 427 0,000 0,932 427 0,000 Tablo 5. Findings Related to Emotional Labor and Its Dimensions n Min. Max. Ort. SS Emotional Labor Scale 427 1,00 5,00 3,16 0,58277 Superficial Role Playing 427 1,00 5,00 2,75 0,77095 Deep Role Playing 427 1,00 5,00 3,89 0,96131 Natural Behavior 427 1,00 5,00 3,51 1,09087 As can be seen in Table 5, as a result of the analysis, it is understood that employees sometimes tend to use emotional labor. While the mean score of emotional labor of the respondents is 3.16, it is understood that the participants only rarely resort to superficial role-playing and most of the time they exhibit deep role-playing behavior. The mean score of the natural behavior subdimension is 3.51. Number Average Standard Deviation Mann-Whitney U Tes Emotional Labor Male 243 3,1735 0,64010 Female 184 3,1549 0,49857 p=0,793 Total 427 3,1655 0,58277 Superficial Role Male 243 2,69 0,8773 Female 184 2,84 0,5929 p=0,0071 Total 427 2,75 0,7709 Deep Role Male 243 3,93 1,0226 Female 184 3,84 0,8739 p=0,022 Total 427 3,89 0,9613 Natural Behavior Male 243 3,74 1,0615 Female 184 3,21 1,0576 p=0,0001 Total 427 3,51 1,0909 at a higher rate in the other two sub-dimensions, and the difference between these two dimensions is statistically significant in terms of gender variable (p=0,022<0,05 p=0,0001<0,05). Table 7. Relationship between Gender Factor and Emotional Labor Dimensions 9 There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups in the comparison of the mean emotional labor scores in terms of the whole scale according to gender (p=0,793>0,05). In the Mann-Whitney U test conducted to investigate the differences in terms of sub-dimensions according to gender variable, it can be said with a 5% margin of error that women resort to superficial role-playing behavior more frequently than men (p=0,0071<0,05). It can be said that men exhibit deep role and natural behaviors at a higher rate in the other two sub-dimensions, and the difference between these two dimensions is statistically significant in terms of gender variable (p=0,022<0,05 p=0,0001<0,05). Table 7. Relationship between Marital Status Factor and Emotional Labor Dimensions Number Average Standard Deviation MannWhitney U Test Emotional Labor Married 135 2,95 0,6996 Single 292 3,26 0,4910 p=0,0001 Total 427 3,16 0,5827 Superficial Role Married 135 2,34 0,9471 Single 292 2,95 0,5842 p=0,0001 Total 427 2,75 0,7709 Deep Role Married 135 3,61 1,1823 Single 292 4,02 0,8103 p=0,004 Total 427 3,89 0,9613 Natural Behavior Married 135 4,10 0,9015 Single 292 3,24 1,0645 p=0,0001 Total 427 3,51 1,0909 When the participants are compared in terms of emotional labor in terms of marital status, it can be stated that single individuals perform more intensive emotional labor than married individuals (p=0,0001<0,05). The difference between married and single individuals in terms of displaying natural, natural behavior is statistically significant and it can be said that married individuals exhibit natural behaviors more often than single individuals (p=0,0001<0,05). In the Mann-Whitney U test performed on the data examined in terms of role-playing, it can be said that the difference between the mean scores of married and single individuals in terms of superficial role-playing behavior according to marital status is statistically significant and single individuals exhibit superficial role-playing behavior more often than married individuals (p=0,0001<0,05). Similarly, in terms of deep roleplaying behavior, it can be said that singles have a higher mean score than married individuals (p=0,004<0,05). Table 8. Relationship between Age Factor and Emotional Labor Dimensions Number Average Standard Deviation Kruskal Wallis Test Emotional Labor 18-25 246 3,35 0,3835 p=0,0001 25-35 82 2,98 0,7552 35-45 74 2,94 0,6604 When the participants are compared in terms of emotional labor in terms of marital status, it can be stated that single individuals 42 Erenturk, The Role of Emotional Labor in Facility Management perform more intensive emotional labor than married individuals (p=0,0001<0,05). The difference between married and single individuals in terms of displaying natural, natural behavior is statistically significant and it can be said that married individuals exhibit natural behaviors more often than single individuals (p=0,0001<0,05). In the Mann-Whitney U test performed on the data examined in terms of role-playing, it can be said that the difference between the mean scores of married and single individuals in terms of superficial role-playing behavior according to marital status is statistically significant and single individuals exhibit superficial role-playing behavior more often than married individuals (p=0,0001<0,05). Similarly, in terms of deep role-playing behavior, it can be said that singles have a higher mean score than married individuals (p=0,004<0,05). Table 8. Relationship between Age Factor and Emotional Labor Dimensions 10 Table 8. Relationship between Age Factor and Emotional Labor Dimensions Number Average Standard Deviation Kruskal Wallis Test Emotional Labor 18-25 246 3,35 0,3835 p=0,0001 25-35 82 2,98 0,7552 35-45 74 2,94 0,6604 45-55 19 2,60 0,4516 55 and over 6 2,60 0,8683 Total 427 3,17 0,5828 Superficial Role 18-25 246 3,08 0,4319 p=0,0001 25-35 82 2,47 0,9540 35-45 74 2,27 0,9097 45-55 19 1,92 0,4911 55 and over 6 2,07 0,7967 Total 427 2,75 0,7709 Deep Role 18-25 246 4,15 0,6234 p=0,0001 25-35 82 3,61 1,1923 35-45 74 3,64 1,1312 45-55 19 3,19 1,2086 55 and over 6 2,61 1,8429 Total 427 3,89 0,9613 Natural Behavior 18-25 246 3,12 1,0529 p=0,0001 25-35 82 3,82 1,0011 35-45 74 4,26 0,6836 45-55 19 4,05 1,0527 55 and over 6 4,42 0,5845 Total 427 3,51 1,0909 After the Kruskal-Wallis Test, which was performed on the data analyzed according to the age variable and used to investigate the differences between more than two groups, it can be argued that the difference between the groups is statistically significant in terms of average scores in the whole scale and all sub-dimensions (p=0.0001<0.05). In order to determine between which age groups these differences are, the Mann-Whitney U test was performed by comparing all groups with each other in pairs. As a result, it can be said that there is no difference between the "25-35 and 35-45" age groups and the "45-55 and 55 and over" age groups in terms of mean emotional labor scores, while the mean emotional labor score decreases with increasing age (p=0.0001<0.05). When the natural behavior sub-dimension was examined, the situation was the opposite and although it was seen that the frequency of natural behavior increased with increasing age, as a result of the Mann-Whitney U test used to determine which age groups the difference between the groups originated from, it can be said that there is no statistically significant difference between any group after the age of 35 in terms of mean scores, and this difference is due to randomness (p=0,656>0,05). However, it can be argued that individuals over the age of 35 exhibit natural behavior more frequently than younger individuals (p=0,005<0,05). After the Kruskal-Wallis Test, which was performed on the data analyzed according to the age variable and used to investigate the differences between more than two groups, it can be argued that the difference between the groups is statistically significant in terms of average scores in the whole scale and all sub-dimensions (p=0.0001<0.05). In order to determine between which age groups these differences are, the Mann-Whitney U test was performed by comparing all groups with each other in pairs. As a result, it can be said that there is no difference between the "25-35 and 35-45" age groups and the "45-55 and 55 and over" age groups in terms of mean emotional labor scores, while the mean emotional labor score decreases with increasing age (p=0.0001<0.05). When the natural behavior sub-dimension was examined, the situation was the opposite and although it was seen that the frequency of natural behavior increased with increasing age, as a result of the Mann-Whitney U test used to determine which age groups the difference between the groups originated from, it can be said that there is no statistically significant difference between any group after the age of 35 in terms of mean scores, and this difference is due to randomness (p=0,656>0,05). However, it can be argued that individuals over the age of 35 exhibit natural behavior more frequently than younger individuals (p=0,005<0,05). It can be said that individuals between the ages of 25-35 show natural behavior more frequently than individuals between the 43 Istanbul Management Journal ages of 18-25 (p=0,0001<0,05). When the superficial role sub-dimension is analyzed, it can be said that the group between the ages of 18-25 has the highest mean score differentiating from all other groups (p=0,0001<0,05). Apart from that, it is understood that the only group in which the difference between the mean scores between the groups is statistically significant is between the ages 25-35 and 45-55, and it can be said that individuals between the ages of 25-35 exhibit more superficial role-playing behaviors than individuals between the ages of 45-55 (p=0,0001<0,05). On the other hand, it can be said at a 95% confidence level with a margin of error of 𝛼=0.05 that there is no statistical difference in terms of mean scores of surface acting in any group over the age of 35 (p=0.182>0.05 p=0.482>0.05). In the deep role sub-dimension, it can be said that the mean score of only one individual in the 18-25 age group is higher than all other groups (p=0,0001<0,05). As a result of the analysis performed among other age groups, it can be said that the difference between the groups in terms of deep role sub-dimension mean scores is not significant (p=0,993>0,05 p=0,135>0,05 p=0,424>0,05). Table 9. Relationship between Professional Experience Factor and Emotional Labor Dimensions 12 Table 9. Relationship between Professional Experience Factor and Emotional Labor Dimensions Number Average Standard Deviation Kruskal Wallis Test Emotional Labor 1-5 Years 294 3,26 0,490 p=0,0001 5-10 Years 43 3,04 0,627 10-15 Years 37 2,97 0,668 15-20 Years 21 2,90 0,838 20 Years and over 32 2,83 0,752 Total 427 3,17 0,583 Superficial Role 1-5 Years 294 2,96 0,56485 p=0,0001 5-10 Years 43 2,45 0,89554 10-15 Years 37 2,30 0,98330 15-20 Years 21 2,24 1,14209 20 Years and over 32 2,12 0,86231 Total 427 2,75 0,77095 Deep Role 1-5 Years 294 4,00 0,81085 p=0,084 5-10 Years 43 3,72 1,10537 10-15 Years 37 3,83 0,97062 15-20 Years 21 3,60 1,24997 20 Years and over 32 3,31 1,46632 Total 427 3,89 0,96131 Natural Behavior 1-5 Years 294 3,20 1,06822 p=0,0001 5-10 Years 43 4,09 0,68362 10-15 Years 37 3,98 0,93159 15-20 Years 21 4,14 0,98923 20 Years and over 32 4,56 0,51977 Total 427 3,51 1,09087 It can be concluded that there is a statistically significant difference between the groups when comparing the mean emotional labor scores of the participants in terms of their professional experience (p=0.0001<0.05). As a result of the Mann-Whitney U test used to investigate the difference between the paired groups, it can be said that this difference only differs from all other groups with individuals working in the 1-5-year range and has a higher average (p=0,0001<0,05). It can be said that there is no statistical difference between the remaining groups in terms of emotional labor mean scores (p>0.05). When the natural behavior sub-dimension is examined, it can be said that while there is no statistically significant difference between those with "20 years and more" experience in the profession and those with "15-20 years" experience (p=0,105>0,05), this group shows natural behaviors more frequently than individuals with less than 10 years of experience (p=0,02<0,05). It can be said that those with experience between 1-5 years, which includes participants who are in the first years of their profession, show the least natural behavior among all It can be concluded that there is a statistically significant difference between the groups when comparing the mean emotional labor scores of the participants in terms of their professional experience (p=0.0001<0.05). As a result of the Mann-Whitney U test used to investigate the difference between the paired groups, it can be said that this difference only differs from all other groups with individuals working in the 1-5-year range and has a higher average (p=0,0001<0,05). It can be said that there is no statistical difference between the remaining groups in terms of emotional labor mean scores (p>0.05). When the natural behavior sub-dimension is examined, it can be said that while there is no statistically significant difference between those with "20 years and more" experience in the profession and those with "15-20 years" experience (p=0,105>0,05), this group shows natural behaviors more frequently than individuals with less than 10 years of experience (p=0,02<0,05). It can be said that those with experience between 1-5 years, which includes participants who are in the first years of their profession, show the least natural behavior among all other groups (p=0,0001>0,05). It can be said that there is no statistically significant difference between the mean scores of natural behaviors of individuals with experience between 5 years and 20 years (p=0,403>0,05 p=0,422>0,05). 44 Erenturk, The Role of Emotional Labor in Facility Management As a result of the two-way comparisons made in terms of the superficial role sub-dimension in terms of the professional experience variable, it is understood that the only difference between the groups stems from the individuals with 1-5 years of experience in the first years of the profession and that these individuals resort to a superficial role more frequently than the individuals in the other groups (p=0.0001<0.05). It is said that there is no statistically significant difference in terms of surface role mean scores in any of the other groups according to the duration of experience in the profession (p>0.05). In terms of the deep role-playing sub-dimension of the scale, it can be said that the difference between the groups is not statistically significant (p=0,084>0,05). Table 10. Relationship between Income Status Factor and Emotional Labor Dimensions 13 other groups (p=0,0001>0,05). It can be said that there is no statistically significant difference between the mean scores of natural behaviors of individuals with experience between 5 years and 20 years (p=0,403>0,05 p=0,422>0,05). As a result of the two-way comparisons made in terms of the superficial role subdimension in terms of the professional experience variable, it is understood that the only difference between the groups stems from the individuals with 1-5 years of experience in the first years of the profession and that these individuals resort to a superficial role more frequently than the individuals in the other groups (p=0.0001<0.05). It is said that there is no statistically significant difference in terms of surface role mean scores in any of the other groups according to the duration of experience in the profession (p>0.05). In terms of the deep role-playing sub-dimension of the scale, it can be said that the difference between the groups is not statistically significant (p=0,084>0,05). Table 10. Relationship between Income Status Factor and Emotional Labor Dimensions Number Average Standard Deviation Kruskal Wallis Test Emotional Labor 5.000 TL -7.000 TL 139 3,18 0,5825 P=0,005 7.000 TL - 9.000 TL 90 3,17 0,6262 9.000 - 11.000 TL 72 3,32 0,4592 11.000 TL - 13.000 TL 42 3,29 0,3714 13.000 TL and over 82 2,95 0,6640 Total 425 3,17 0,5832 Superficial Role 5.000 TL -7.000 TL 139 2,71 0,8230 P=0,0001 7.000 TL - 9.000 TL 90 2,72 0,8430 9.000 - 11.000 TL 72 3,01 0,5886 11.000 TL - 13.000 TL 42 2,99 0,4647 13.000 TL and over 82 2,53 0,7945 Total 425 2,76 0,7726 Deep Role 5.000 TL -7.000 TL 139 3,98 1,0086 p=0,003 7.000 TL - 9.000 TL 90 3,92 1,0131 9.000 - 11.000 TL 72 3,98 0,7471 11.000 TL - 13.000 TL 42 4,05 0,7006 13.000 TL and over 82 3,59 1,0410 Total 425 3,90 0,9582 Natural Behavior 5.000 TL -7.000 TL 139 3,60 1,1312 p=0,206 7.000 TL - 9.000 TL 90 3,62 1,0522 9.000 - 11.000 TL 72 3,43 1,0458 11.000 TL - 13.000 TL 42 3,19 1,1840 13.000 TL and over 82 3,48 1,0509 Total 425 3,51 1,0932 When the mean emotional labor scores of the participants are compared according to income status, it can be said that the difference in the mean scores between the groups is statistically significant only between the individuals with the highest salary and the individuals in all other groups, and only those who receive a salary of 13 thousand TL have a lower mean emotional labor score by differentiating from the other groups (p<0.05). It can be said that there is no significant difference between the mean emotional labor scores in any of the remaining groups and this difference is due to randomness (p>0.05). It can be said that there is no statistical difference between the groups in terms of the mean score of natural behavior according to income status (p=0,206>0,05). While there is no statistically significant difference between those earning less than 9 thousand TL and those earning 13 thousand TL and above in terms of the mean scores of superficial role-playing (p=0.09>0.05 p=0.105>0.05), the difference between the mean superficial role-playing score of this group can be said to be significant and lower (p=0.02<0.05), although there is no difference between those participants earning between 13 thousand and 9 thousand TL in terms of their mean scores of superficial behavior (p=0.945>0.05). In other words, it can be said that individuals with middle-income status resort to superficial role-playing behavior more frequently than those who receive less wages or those who receive higher wages. 45 Istanbul Management Journal As a result of examining the data and making pairwise comparisons, we can say that the difference between the groups is statistically significant only for individuals earning 13 thousand TL and above and that they exhibit deep role behavior less frequently (p=0.001<0.05). In terms of other groups, it can be said that there is no difference between the groups in terms of income status variable in the deep role sub-dimension (p>0.05). In the analysis conducted in terms of emotional labor score averages and superficial role sub-dimension in the examination of the participants by classifying them according to their educational status, it can be said that the difference between the groups is only due to the individuals with a bachelor’s degree level of education and these individuals have a higher mean emotional labor score average than the other groups (p=0.0001<0.05). It can be said that there is no statistically significant difference between the other groups in the education variable in terms of mean scores (p>0.05). When the natural behavior sub-dimension is examined, it can be said that only those with a bachelor’s degree differ from the other groups and exhibit natural behaviors less frequently (p=0,0001<0,05). When the education variable was examined in the natural behavior sub-dimension, it was seen that the difference in mean scores between the other groups was not statistically significant (p>0.05). In examining the relationship between the deep role-playing behavior, which is another sub-dimension of the scale, and the educational variable, it can be said that the only group in which the difference between the groups was statistically significant was the individuals with postgraduate education and these individuals exhibited deep role-playing behavior less frequently than the individuals in the other groups (p=0,039<0,05). Conclusion Facility management is a constantly evolving and changing management function that provides multidimensional services for the effective and efficient use of buildings for human and community life. Facility management is generally outsourced to provide comfortable, sustainable and rational operation of residential and commercial real estate. The fact that facility management is relatively new in Türkiye has led to a limited number of studies. Therefore, in this field, first of all, facility management should be based on a service-centered management function, and the emotional labor factor, which is one of the main determinants in the provision of services, should always be kept in the foreground. Because emotional labor can direct many important variables such as satisfaction, quality, competence, word-of-mouth marketing, repurchase, etc. between the parties in the provision of services. The other effect of emotional labor on the aforementioned variables is that it directly affects the overall performance of the company providing facility management services. Emotional labor is one of the concepts that should be emphasized the most in the facility management process, as it refers to the attitude, behavior and style exhibited by employees in the service process. In this study, the emotional labor behaviors of 427 participants working in facility management companies operating in Istanbul between October-November 2022 were examined. There was no significant difference between the groups according to the gender variable, and it was found that women resorted to superficial role-playing behavior more frequently than men in the sub-dimensions of surface role, deep role and natural behavior. Men, on the other hand, were found to exhibit deep roles and natural behaviors at a higher rate than other women. Accordingly, it has been observed that women working in facility management services show the emotional labor behavior expected from them by the organization, while men do not naturally feel the emotion they reflect. In the study, it was determined that single individuals spent emotional labor more intensely than married individuals, there was a significant difference between married individuals and single individuals in terms of displaying natural and natural behaviors, and married individuals tended towards natural behaviors more often than single individuals. According to the age variable, it was observed that there was no difference between the "25-35 and 35-45" age groups and the "45-55 and 55 and over" age groups in terms of mean emotional labor scores, and the mean emotional labor score decreased with increasing age. In the natural behavior sub-dimension, it was observed that the frequency of natural behavior increased with increasing age. When we look at professional experience, which was discovered to be an important variable in emotional labor and facility management services, it was seen that individuals working in the range of 1-5 years had a higher average by differentiating from all other groups. It was seen that employees who are new in the profession differed in natural behavior and surface role behaviors compared to others. On the other hand, in terms of income status variable, emotional labor behavior was found to be different only for those who received the highest wage. In the analyses conducted in terms of emotional labor score averages and surface role sub-dimension according to the education variable, it was determined that the difference between the groups was only due to the individuals with a bachelor’s degree level of education and that these individuals had a higher mean emotional labor score average than the other groups. As a result, it was seen that emotional labor is an effective factor in facility management services and that demographic characteristics differ among themselves in emotional labor sub-dimensions. Accordingly, it has been revealed that companies 46 Erenturk, The Role of Emotional Labor in Facility Management providing facility management services and managers in this field should act by recognizing the impact and importance of emotional labor and its sub-dimensions. There is a wide field of study for future researchers on the effects of emotional labor factors in facility management and its relationships with other variables. Peer Review: Externally peer-reviewed. Conflict of Interest: The author has no conflict of interest to declare. Grant Support: The author declared that this study has received no financial support. REFERENCES Alexander, K. (2003). A Strategy For Facilities Management. Facilities, 21(11/12), 269-274. Amaratunga D., & D. 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